Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Ellipsis of Thoughts


Just as I cannot imagine a world without trees and animals, I cannot imagine a world without art.

It’s a glorious impulse to fly, to stretch, to greet the mysterious mirage, greater than the sum of all our human efforts.

This oasis nourishes the thirst in my soul / a known and unknown source recognized in my deepest subconsciousness / plumbing those strata is the marketplace of my dreams and imagination.

And within this realm lies a delicious paradox, that is not about me, and yet, it’s all about me because nothing happens until I act, otherwise it’s just air, only felt yet unseen. My physicality is vital to engage in this dance of collaboration. As I am the doer.

Even as I write this, I struggle to find the language to communicate what I know to be true. It’s a magic act, not created from the sleight of hand, but an illusionary dimension just beyond the aura of our sight, a world behind our eyes.

I remember holding my grandson when he was just a few months old and he would suddenly stiffen with an explosion of joy, a Grand Canyon wide smile on his new little face speaking in a language I no longer understood, and I knew I was in the presence of something large and wonderful.

I believe we search all our living lives to reconnect with that nebulous spirit. And when we let go of our Selves and become its human tools, together, we create art. We all came here with a unique song to sing; we just need to have the courage to open our throats.   


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